
The workshop will take place at the Jodquellenhof in Bad Tölz, a town that can be reached from Munich within one hour.

The full address is:

Resort Hotel Jodquellenhof Alpamare
Ludwigstraße 13-15
83646 Bad Tölz
phone: +49 (0) 8041 / 509-0
fax: +49 (0) 8041 / 509-555
email: reservation@jodquellenhof.com

Rooms have been reserved for all participants of the workshop.

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Possible activities in and around Bad Tölz include trips to nearby castles and monasteries, a historic city walking tour, or a visit to the city museum.

How to get there

Bad Tölz is a small town which can be reached by train or car. Train rides to Aschau typically take 50 mins from Munich central station and 100 mins from Munich airport. A map of Bad Tölz can be found here.

Travelling by train

The cheapest way to get to Bad Tölz by train is to buy a Bayern-Ticket which allows you to travel with all local trains and many buses for one day. It costs 19 Euros for a single person, and 27 Euros for up to 5 persons. From Munich central station take the train ("Bayerische OberlandBahn/BOB") leaving from platforms 27--36 to Bad Tölz. There's one train per hour (roughly) leaving Munich. In Bad Tölz, it's about 1.5 km to the hotel. You can take a taxi or the bus ("Stadtbus 1", line 9570) and leave at the stop "Kurviertel/Alpamare" which is close to the hotel.
From Munich airport take the S1 or S8 train to Munich central station. Change here and follow the description above.

Travelling by car

You can follow this route (click here for a more detailed description):

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Travel documents

Please have your travel documents (train and flight ticket etc.) ready when you arrive at the hotel. We will then make some copies of those documents in order to speed up the refunding process.